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Illusion Setting Collet Ring Tutorial

Illusion Top Collet Ring Making Tutorial - US$23

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Illusion Setting Collet Ring Tutorial

This tutorial teaches in precise detailed pictures the steps to follow:

  • - Four prong collet making
  • - Working on illusion top basket
  • - Making and soldering shank
  • This tutorial can be made in a standard smithing workshop. You will need:
  •  - Metal : silver or gold or other
  •  - Gemstone : 3mm round
  •  - Flat Engraver

You will receive :

  • -- 24 Pictures and illustrations
  • -- 12 Pages of detailed instructions
  • -- Personalized tips on tools and techniques
Illusion Setting Collet Ring Tutorial - Flat engraver polished with a Edenta CeraGloss Fine Yellow Wheel
Flat engraver is polished with Edenta CeraGloss Fine Yellow Wheel.
Illusion Setting Collet Ring Tutorial Wriggle Engraving
Wriggle walk engraving on illusion top collet.

The purpose of an illusion collet it to make a small stone appear bigger than it is when it is set in the ring. The reflections of the surrounding metal create an illusion of one large stone.

A "crishy" effect made by wriggle walking a flat engraver, creates a reflective surface to simulate sparkling facets on a gemstone. 

Illusion Setting Collet Ring - Stone appears bigger

The stone appears larger in an illustion ring setting. 

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Recommended Tool Tips / Videos for this project

This is a tool tip on how to Polish Difficult to Reach Areas.

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